In January I attended a Mazama Nordic Skiing class. Here's a picture of most of the group on the first day. From Left to Right: Margaret, Lois, Marcia, Bev, Jeanne, Jeff, and Lori.

Annie was our lead instructor. She did a great job. Here she is demonstrating how to side step up a steep slope.

Here's the group during Anne's Steep Slope demonstration. Left to Right in the Front: Annie, Margaret, and Kirby.

Here are Lois (in the front) and Marcia practicing the side step.

Here’s Rick and Kelly.  Rick was one of our Instructors.

Here’s Lori. Lori was the Assistant Climb Leader for the Mt. St. Helen's Climb I was on.

Here’s Bev.

From left to right: Nathan, Kirby and Lori.  Nathan took all of the pictures at Big Tree and the Mazama Lodge, and graciously provided permission for me to use them on the website.

During the class we skied in Gifford Pinchot National Forest (Home of Mt. Adams).  We skied out the Trout Lake Big Tree.  Here are the vital statistics on the Tree.  That's me next to the sign.  I'm wearing the cold weather cap I kept from when I was working in the parking lot at Walt Disney World in Florida.

Here's the group gathered around the sign.  We had lunch at the snow cover picnic tables.

Rick and Kelly finishing up lunch and discussing some skiing technique.

From left to right: Kirby, Jeff, Rick, and Kelly.

Here's Marcia, next to the Big Tree.

The Big Tree. It really is very big.

Here’s Bev.

Jeanne was our other Instructor.  Annie, Jeanne, and Rick all did a great job teaching all of us "Pedestrians" how to Cross Country Ski.

Here’s Jeff.

From Near to Far: Bev, Lori, Annie, and Jeanne.

Our three instructors together at the Mazama Lodge. Jeanne, Annie, and Rick.

Here are Kirby, Lori, and Sue relaxing at the Lodge.

Here's Marcia enjoying a cup of tea.

Here's a panoramic shot of the Dining Room at the Mazama Lodge.

The group is preparing to leave the Lodge after Lunch. We had a some really good weather and some typical weather.

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